You can get the SuzeOrman.com Will & Trust Kit for free if you enter the gift code STAR on this page. Save the resulting activation code. Retail price is is $13.50.
Based on a question-and-answer format, this online software includes the ability to create a:
- Will
- Revocable Trust
- Financial Power of Attorney
- Advanced Directive / Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare
I’m not sure how this compares to a more established legal service like LegalZoom which I had considered using up until now (I used them to incorporate my side business), but they charge about $70 for a basic will. I would think that this SuzeOrman option might be an acceptable temporary solution for those with very simple estates. However, for those who have enough assets to actually require a revocable trust, hiring an attorney would be worth the extra cost.
As for the advanced healthcare directive or power of attorney, I think that this could be useful at least to get the discussion started on what your wishes are with your family if you do become incapacitated.
Just curious:
What is difficult about incorporating that you had to pay a service to do it? I incorporated my own business myself for free (well I had to pay the state a fee which I have to pay every year). In Georgia it’s just a matter of filing a simple form with the Secretary of State and then at the federal level I applied for an EIN (filled out an IRS form). It was quite simple. Are the rules different in California?
Thanks this is really handy.
Not sure I like the idea of having all my private information stored online on this website. Does anyone have experience of how the data is used?
@ Alexandra J
Jonathan posted a similar opportunity like this a long time ago and I signed up. I haven’t really made use of the documents but at least I can tell you I haven’t experienced any fraud or spam stemming from this.
i think this code is expired already
I also signed up for this the last time Jonathan posted this. I haven’t received any spam.
One option is that you can fill in your info, print the document, and then when you close out, all your info is gone.
Alternatively, you can have it save your information so you can sign in and out and it keeps it all in there. It’s up to you.
Incorporating is one thing but please do not do not use a preprinted form for a will without consulting a lawyer. People litigate a lot over this stuff and one wrong move from a company that frankly may not know the law in order to save a few bucks can cause great stress on your heirs. Why go cheap here it doesn’t save you. Go ask a lawyer friend of yours or go to a law book with probate cases in it and read about the relatives who sue the heck out of each other based on a technicality.
I’ve used this before… I got my parents to make their wills and i’ve completed mine as well. This is a good easy to use tool for those who need a will, but don’t know where to start.
Thank you my husband and I just completed our wills and health care proxy may want to use the trust not sure yet. Suze Orman is great what an easy tool to use.
Here is something that is in the same vein and might be a good deal:
This is the current bestseller in legal software on amazon. I have read multiple reviews and everyone seems to like it. The current $20 price is a significant reduction from the normal price. Has anyone used this? Comments?
I don’t see a gift code any where on this page. Am I missing it?
I cant find a gift code.
I don’t see a gift code on this page. Where do I look?
Code ‘people first’ works, used it today.